
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, May 9, 1975, Dolores Star

Dolores School District Re-4A voters went to the polls Tuesday and expressed their choices for members of the board of education, naming Stanley Willbanks from Director District A, Lee Squires from Director District C and Bill Fischer from Director District B.

Little League will officially get underway in Dolores on Saturday, May 10 with the parade scheduled for 10 a.m. from the school to town hall. Mayor VT Boyd will throw out the first ball of the season. After the parade the players, dressed in full uniform, will canvass the town for donations. This is the only money raising project for the season and all donations will go towards new equipment.

Elaine Carrigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carrigan and a junior at Dolores High School this year has been selected as one of 31 students chosen from 500 applicants to attend a Solar School of Engineering at Colorado University in Boulder, August 17 through 20.

The annual meeting of the Southwestern District of the Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs will be held here in Dolores on Friday, May 9 at the Methodist Church Annex. The Dolores River Garden Club will serve as hostesses and will serve a salad luncheon at noon.

Empire Electric Association has notified its power users that a rate increase to all consumers served by Empire will become effective on June 12, 1975 unless suspended in accordance with the provision of the Public Utilities Law of Colorado.

Bradley Stephens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephens of Dolores, took 2nd place in bowling at the Regional Special Olympics held last week in Grand Junction.

Montezuma Plywood Company reopened on Monday of this week following notification from the parent company, Southwest Forest Industries. Employees are being called back to work and will have the first chance at the jobs available but interviews for new employees to fill the jobs of those not coming back to work for the plywood company will be held starting Monday. Former active employees who are returning to their work are asked to call into the plywood company office at Dolores in order to have their jobs saved for them.

Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Corky McClain at the Pony in Cortez Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Art Nielson and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy LaFrance.

Helen Fogel entertained with a bridge party last Friday. Guests included June Merritt, Mary LaFrance, Rowena Porter, Callie Lofquist, Lenore Lee, Hazel Smith and Margaret Nielson. Prize winners were June, Mary and Helen.

Bobbie Baker was an overnight guest of Elaine Carrigan last Saturday night.

Margaret Nielson entertained the Wednesday bridge club last week. Prize winners included, Juanita Fredriksen, Marie Carlson, Lillian Simmons and Margaret.