
Show care, respect to one another

Be thankful for your neighbor, and believe in your sovereignty over your own body. I wish you to thank your neighbor, right now, in your heart, for getting vaccinated.

Now do the same for your neighbor you suspect has not gotten vaccinated.

It is our right to rank order our responsibilities, and our freedoms. It is not a simple task. Be grateful that we have the means to do so. Not all countries are free.

I am vaccinated because I believe that it is best for me. I feel it would be best for all who can get vaccinated, to do so. There are some who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons, some who choose not too as they feel it is possibly dangerous, or that the precedent of mandatory vaccinations is a violation of their rights (as has been construed in the Geneva Conventions; that humans should not be subject to medical experiments without their voluntary consent).

I feel this isn’t an experiment, but feelings aren’t facts and only time will tell.

I'm sure adults have visited their conscience on the matter, and I will show respect by allowing for diverse opinions, on many subjects, to grace my ears, my eyes and my home.

Thank you all for your patience and tolerance of one another. May we never devolve into violence.

Please continue to show care and respect to one another. Without it we have little, with it, we can move mountains.

To that greater union Montezuma!

God bless America.

Richard Feit
