Forest goes after trail funds

For non-motorized and motorized users

Letters of support will be signed by Dolores Trustees for two trail grant proposals sought by the San Juan National Forest.

Forest recreation manager Tom Rice said one grant application is for $105,000 from Colorado Parks and Wildlife for labor, expertise, and heavy equipment to complete the Overlook Trail. Kokopelli Bike Club, Greater Dolores Action, Crow Canyon, and the Mesa Verde Backcountry Horseman have contributed matching funds or labor for the grant.

The 6-mile trail begins in Dolores and connects to House Creek along the rim above McPhee Reservoir. The decision on grant awards will be made in spring 2015.

Rice explained that additional grant funding for maintaining motorized trails is also being sought from CPW.

Approximately $95,000 is being sought to fund a Student Conservation Crew to work on the Stoner Mesa trail system. Another $85,000 is being applied for to fund the OHV Good Management program that maintains and improves motorized trails, including the Boggy Draw ATV loop, Fall Creek, and Calico Trail, among others.

Crews will spike out and work on strengthening switchbacks, trail armoring, and installing cattle guards and water-diversion structures.

The Dolores Board discussed the need for both motorized and non-motorized trails, and commented that there is a statewide perception that motorized users are being shut out. Rice said the Forest Service works to provide both motorized and non-motorized options for the public.

“Both types of trails are important to provide recreation opportunities for the public,” Rice said. “They are a good way to support the local economy. Keeping trails maintained encourages their use and brings people back to revisit them.”

There is a pending Rico-West Dolores Travel Management Plan in the works. A proposal for management of trails and roads north of Dolores is due out in late November, reports Debbie Kill, forest service land-use specialist. Public scoping and open house presentations on the proposal will be held in January.