
80 Years Ago

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, Sept. 6, 1935

Local Men Win Labor Day Drilling Contest, Silverton

Oscar Pritchett and Ross Thomas went up to Silverton Monday and showed the hard rock miners of that place how drilling is done over on the Dolores.

The two carried off both first and second prize in the single hand drilling contest, and then tied with the Silverton team on the double hand contest.

Oscar Pritchett won first in the single hand contest and Thomas second.

Dolores Schools Start Off With record Enrollment

The Dolores schools started off Monday and by Wednesday evening a record all-time enrollment for this school had been made, when a total of 318 students' names had been filed.

It appears that a splendid year is ahead for Dolores schools. Several new additions have been made to the faculty; each teacher is especially trained for the work he or she is undertaking, and there seemed to be no reason why the coming year should not be a record breaker in all respects.

McDaniel Trial to Start at Durango Next Monday

The trial of the McDaniel brothers, Otis and Herbert, for the killing of James Westfall, will be held at Durango, starting Monday of next week, according to present plans and as announced several weeks ago.

If by any chance the McDaniel brothers are not convicted in the trial next week, they will undoubtedly be tried at Telluride for the killing of Sheriff W. W. Dunlap.

4-H Club Members Do Well at State Fair

Dorothy Doiel won 4th in 1st year meal preparation. Jean Wilkerson won 3rd on a quart of cherries. Mary Lou Wilkerson won 3rd in foods judging, which is indeed good with about 100 competing. Val Kruse and J. T. Wilkerson won 2nd on team demonstration in their class, lack of age being the only handicap. Fanny Rutherford, Ella Jane McMurry, Mary Lou Wilkerson and Marjorie Fullerton placed 4th in their team demonstrations.

Silver At $1.29 an Ounce Says U.S. Senator

Silver at $1.29 an ounce within a year appears a certainty, judging from reports from Washington and New York. No less an anti-silverite than Paul Mallon, hard boiled writer and critic who has continually rapped the silver program and efforts of the U. S. Senate silver block to get the white metal remonetized, predicts the ultimate price at $1.29. And when Mallon will make such an admission there must be a lot of pressure behind the statement.

Big Road Program Being Mapped Out

Reports from Denver, where the state highway board is in session this week, are that about every piece of unimproved highway in southwest Colorado is in line for immediate completion within the next year.

Attorney J. J. Downey and Commissioner Frank Philley are in Denver this week representing the county of Montezuma. But as yet no word has been received from them as to what to expect. In fact, it is too early at present time to predict just what work will be done. One thing certain, not all the projects mentioned will be completed.

Another CCC Camp May Be Established Near Here

Another unit of the citizens conservation corp, commonly known as a CCC camp, is to be established at once in Montezuma county, according to a recent announcement. The camp will be situated about halfway between Dolores and Mancos, on the Rio Grande Southern railroad at a station known as Millwood. The station is the site of the Hallack & Howard sawmill located there about twenty-five years ago.

New Cellar

C. A. Brown is making rapid progress on his new potato cellar which he is building near the mouth of Lost Canyon. The cellar has been pronounced to be one of the best in the state; not in the largest, but best in point of construction and convenience.