Road to Phil’s World getting a face-lift

The dirt road to the Phil’s World parking lot and trailhead is a well-known rough drive.

But the rocky, pot-hole riddled access on Road 30.1 is slated for some much needed repairs this spring.

The Southwest Colorado Cycling Association has been raising funds for improvements to the road for the quarter-mile section from U.S. 160 to the trailhead.

So far, they have raised $11,000 of the $15,000 needed, said treasurer Kevin Barlow.

“It will be grinded more level, and resurfaced with gravel,” he said.

Repairs are expected to begin in the coming weeks. The cycling club and BLM chipped in funds, and construction companies Weminuche and Triad donated equipment and operator time toward the project.

“It’s really needed, as locals know. We also want a better first impression for people visiting the area to mountain bike Phil’s World,” Barlow said.

The road, parking lot, and trailhead are on Colorado State land, which borders the BLM land where the bike trails are. The cycling club has a lease with the state that allows access, and even pays insurance.

The road is a private, red-signed road accessing nearby homes, but it has a BLM easement for public access.

Montezuma County has expressed interest in acquiring the parking lot from the state in order to expand and maintain it as needed.

“That trail is a real asset to the community that attracts local families and visitors,” said county commissioner Larry Don Suckla. “I feel improving the parking lot is a needed public service.”

On nice days, the parking lot fills with as many as 70 vehicles.

The cycling club encourages users of the trail to help defray insurance costs by becoming a member. To chip in visit their website at