
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, May 16, 1975, Dolores Star

Members of the Board of Education of the Dolores District Re4A voted 3-2 at a meeting held May 9, to go ahead with a $380,000 bond issue which would retain a vo-ag program in the Dolores Schools along with needed repairs to the locker rooms, remodeling business, home economics and art departments and adding space for the science department. The bond issue will be voted on at a special election on Tuesday, June 24.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy have recently moved to Dolores from Cascade Highway Camp which is located 30 miles north of Durango. Kennedy, Senior Highway Maintenance man for the State Highway Department, is replacing Preston Hotchkiss in this district. They are living in the Rule Rental House about a mile east of Dolores at the present time with plans for buying a home in the near future.

V. T. Boyd announced this week he has sold all his interest in the Colorado Forest Products which he has built up and managed for several years. He sold to the owners of the other interests and Chuck Lacey of Albuquerque will become the new manager for the company. The mill is now running with about 40 employees and will continue in business her in Dolores as in the past. Meanwhile Boyd said that he has plans to remain here in Dolores where he is setting up another business in the wood products field which will be announced later.

The ladies of Dolores and surrounding areas gathered together on Saturday, May 10, for the first annual Mother and Daughter Tea. The all-purpose room at the Dolores Grade School was gaily decorated as nearly 200 ladies were seated at small tables, each having fresh flowers and houseplants as centerpieces. The main serving table was decorated with two large floral pieces provided by the Garden Club and was nearly overflowing with home-baked cookies.

Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises for the 1975 graduating class of Dolores High School will be held Sunday, May 18, and Monday, May 19, respectively. Starting time both evenings will be at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Rev. Glenn Lawrence of the Dolores Methodist Church will give the Baccalaureate address entitled "In Days of Youth." Rev. Joseph Kukucka of Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church will give the invocation and benediction. Processional and recessional will be played by Deanna Petro.

Dolores firemen responded to a fire call about 6:30 p.m. on Sunday to a van belonging to Frontier Contracting, Inc. in Dolores. The van was loaded with supplies and tools for a fencing job in Grand Junction. Fire Chief Wayne Carrigan estimated damages at about $1,000 in the combustion caused fire.

National Honor Society of Dolores High School held election of officers last week with the following list of officers elected for the 1975-76 school year: Elaine Carrigan, president; Don Setser, vice-pres. and Darlene Johnson, sec.-tres. Mrs. P. W. Miller is the sponsor.

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lee were dinner guests of Helen Fogel at the Ponderosa on Sunday.

Mrs. Caddie Plumlee is a patient in Southwest Memorial Hospital where she is reportedly doing well.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bowden and two daughters, Traci and Vikki, arrived in Dolores on Wednesday evening to spend a few days visiting Virgil's parents and grandfather Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bowden and Josie Nelson.