
Defining fascism, anti-fascism

I’ve heard a few prominent themes in community feedback to my protests, “Go Home!” being one of them. It’s true, I’m not from here. I’ve lived in seven of the United States of America and have found unique beauties in all. As I cruised your county roads, roller coasters cutting perfect grids, the home gardens triggered a rush of memories, like waiting for the first ripe tomato.

I know four juvenile delinquents who would have hopped in a quad and taken the back roads to Granny’s often. Funny to think of Granny at the wheel of a quad. We have so much more in common than just being fellow citizens.

I just want the Cortez community to understand that Antifa was not part of the insurrection attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, as FBI Director Christopher Wray has testified. I am against rule by force, as is Antifa, anti-fascism. A President prepared to use the military against any U.S. citizen, let alone peaceful protesters, is a fascist.

If you think about it, everyone who isn’t a fascist is against rule by force; so, if you don’t want force to decide for you, you are Antifa, as well.

Belinda Hantout
