Bluejay girls lose 3 straight

Four games into the season, the Mancos High School girls basketball team has played well at times, but has lacked the consistency necessary to win games.


Opening last week's play in the championship game of the Bulldog Classic on Dec. 10, the Bluejays performed well against a senior-laden Dove Creek Bulldogs team, but lost 53-38.

Leading the way for the Bluejays was senior Brandi Bundy, who scored eight points during a first quarter that concluded with the Bulldogs ahead 14-13.

Although the Bulldogs managed to shut Bundy down in the second quarter, Bluejays junior Courtney Colyer kept the score close as Mancos trailed 27-19 entering the half.

Hoping to come back in the second half, the Bluejays played tough, yet never cut into the Dove Creek lead, trailing 38-28 at the end of the third quarter and 53-38 at the end of the fourth.

"We played with them for three quarters," said Bluejays head coach Mallory Morgan. "They just kind of pulled away from us in the fourth quarter. (Dove Creek) is a good team."

Leading the Bluejays in scoring, Bundy scored 14 points. Colyer added 11.


Hoping to bounce back at home against Monticello on Dec. 12, the Bluejays kept things, but fell, 43-37.

Although the contest turned out to be tight, Morgan expressed frustration with her team's play.

"We came out and we were just flat," Morgan said. We would get something going and we would throw the ball away. We just couldn't seem to get on the same page."

Again leading the Bluejays in scoring was Bundy, who chipped 18 points. Junior Taylor Goff finished second on the team in scoring with 9 points.


Closing out the week's play at home against Ridgway on Dec. 14, the Bluejays struggled to control Ridgway's post players, losing 60-44.

Throughout the first half of the contest, the Bluejays played some of their best basketball of the season, trailing 29-27 at the end of the second quarter.

"We played really well," said Morgan. "We played a good team."

Pacing the Bluejays in scoring, Goff scored 15 points and Bundy added seven.

"(Bundy) has really stepped up into that senior role," said Morgan. "She's going to have to be my leader out there. She comes out every night and works hard."

With their season record now at 1-3, the Bluejays will play at home against Monticello (Dec. 17) before travelling to face Dolores on Dec. 20.

"We just need to play all four quarters," said Morgan, discussing her team's upcoming games. "We are playing really well at times, but we just can't put it all together."