
40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, April 13, 1973 Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

There was a big blast on the Dunlap Hill north of Dolores Thursday afternoon after a crew from Nielsons Inc. blasted a huge chunk of rock that fell in the road. County crews were on hand to remove what was pretty small stuff after the dust settled. Lots of dirt and rock is falling this spring keeping road crews busy.


At the April 5 board meeting of the Dolores Water Conservancy District, the Board elected Jack Kinkade as president to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of I. W. Patterson.


Running unopposed in the upcoming School Board election for Dolores School District Re4A are Duvall Truelsen, incumbent, running for director in District D and Willard Walker, incumbent, running for director in District B. Election day will be Tuesday, May 1.


Mrs. Melodee Tibbits was released from Southwest Memorial Hospital on Tuesday after being a patient there for a week undergoing tests.


Mark Walters was an overnight guest of Dart Nielson on Friday of last week.


Mrs. Miriam Tangren spent the weekend in Blanding returning home on Monday. She went over to pick up the Mormon Church conference report.


Bill Stowe was in Colorado Springs Thursday through Sunday of last week attending a CEA Conference Mrs. Stowe and daughters spent the weekend in Dove Creek visiting her parents while he was gone.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland were dinner guests at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Johnson of Summit Ridge on Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workman are moving to Durango where Mrs. Workman will be employed.


A party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chaffin, matron and patron of the county jail, on their 41st anniversary was held by the personnel of the Sheriff's office in Cortez on Saturday evening. Among those attending were Sheriff and Mrs. Clarence Williams and Family from Dolores.


Diana Fahrion and son and Lucy Fahrion from Rico were Dolores visitors on Tuesday.


Joe Roscio is returning to Dunton this week after spending the winter in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Mello Roscio have also returned home after spending their winter in Mexico.


Rowena Porter entertained her bridge club on Friday afternoon. Those present were Helen Fogel, Emmy Froede, Greta McQuaid, Lee Stephens, Callie Lofquist, Margaret Nielson and Lenore Lee. Prize winners for the afternoon were Lenore winning high, Margaret winning second high and Lee winning bingo.


Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tome LaFrance for two days this week were Mrs. LaFrance's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill from Del Rio, Texas.


There was a good attendance at the Mexician Foods Luncheon at the Methodist Church Annex on Tuesday. After the lunch, Emma Kinkade showed slides that she and Jack had taken on a trip to Old Mexico.


Inez Robb from Durango visited her mother, Caddie Plumlee on Tuesday.


Lee Miller has been on the sick list this past week.


Evelyn Tibbits, Vaughna McClain and Margaret Nielson were in Farmington on Monday.