
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, May 25, 1973, Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Some persons were being evacuated Sunday from low-lying areas near the Dolores River, which threatened to go over its banks. A spokesman said Sheriff Clarence Williams was leading the evacuation effort.


"The worst is yet to come" seems to be the consensus of opinion of most persons who have lived here for some time when asked what they think about the possibility of flooding. Traditionally the high water time at Dolores comes near Memorial Day, which is still a week away.


Debbie Merritt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Merritt of Dolores, has been chosen to reign over the 1973 Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo June 14-16. Her attendants are Ann McWilliams and Betty McWilliams, twin sisters.


Thursday morning, May 17, three nuclear explosives, buried more than a mile underground, were detonated about 29 miles from the Grand Valley. This was the nation's third nuclear gas simulation experiment. On Monday, May 14, Judge Henry Santo denied the request of eight plaintiffs for an injunction against the nuclear shot.


Last week county crews worked on the Mancos River to force the water back into the regular channel behind Riverside Ave. The water was washing out on the south side and crossing the Sam Merlo property and across the county road.


Rico News & Views by Charles M. Engel: Rico cleanup got off to a good start Monday when Rico Argentine put maintenance men and a front-end loader on the job around their town properties.


Cynthia Stratton, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stratton of Dolores, escaped serious injury on Monday when she was involved in a one-car accident one mile north of Cortez on the Totten Lake Road. She was northbound when her car went off the right side of the road on a curve and traveled down a steep embankment, rolling one and a half times. The 1960 Cadillac was a total loss.


Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carrigan and family enjoyed a picnic at Hovenweep last Sunday.