
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Dec. 20, 1974, Dolores Star

The peak of outgoing mail at the Dolores Post Office was probably reached on Monday of this week according to Postmaster Bill Bowden, with close to 3,800 letters going out, 3,400 of which were Christmas Cards. Over 20 sacks of parcels were dispatched Monday which could have anywhere from 2 to 10 packages in each sack, depending on the size of the parcel.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tate of Dolores will observe their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house to be held in the Community Room of the Dolores State Bank.

This Sunday, Dec. 22, will see the judging of the annual Christmas Lighting Contest sponsored by the Dolores River Garden Club. Persons are asked to have their lights on by 6 p.m. for the judges to view. Judging will be done by impartial out-of-town judges.

Note, the Spotless Car Wash is open, the doors are closed because of an inside heater.

The Dolores Rotary Club will again sponsor their annual Christmas movie for all children in the area, tomorrow, December 21 in the All-purpose Room at the Dolores grade school. The movie entitled "The Daydreamer," will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will be followed by a visit from Santa Claus.

The Business and Professional Women of Dolores will be giving away two pieces of silver and turquoise jewelry tomorrow during the Rotary Club's Christmas program and movie.

The past few weeks there have been several publications and radio stories presented to bring to our readers and interested citizens the details of the hospital district formation. There are those who may disagree with the formation of a hospital taxing district or maybe just disagree with the bonding ability within a district formation in order to build a new badly needed hospital. In either event, this is the right of all free thinking hard working taxpayers, but before the negative destroys our community and the chances for federal assistance funds lets understand and get the details straight.

The Montezuma County Sheriffs Office said last Wednesday some 25 sheep belonging to Roy Retherford were killed by dogs. One of the animals has been located and destroyed.

Donny Hamilton from Steamboat Springs visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton on Sunday. He is Harold's nephew.

United Methodist Women, both the Ruth and Esther Circles, had their Christmas Party at the home of Darlene Brumley last Thursday. The party was very much enjoyed by all those there. Audra Hamilton and Mary Teague kept the small children and entertained them at the Church while their mothers were at the party.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Curtis and family from Denver spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs. Curtis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ismay of Dolores.

The birthday cake for Jesus is an annual special treat for the nursery school children and then Santa Claus made his visit. Judy Pease, Eirin and Karin Sluyter sang some Christmas songs. These girls have been helping out with the music for the Church school.

Guests of Hazel Smith for dinner at the Ponderosa Restaurant on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sonne, Mrs. Billie Rust, Donny Rust, Mr. and Mrs. Corky McClain and family and Steve Saltsgaver.