
Community Calendar

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Thursday, Aug. 28

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Montezuma County Historical Society, 7 p.m. at the Cortez United Methodist Church, 515 N. Park St. After the business meeting, a free presentation by Mike K Maddox, based on his recent book "Porter and Ike Stockton: Colorado and New Mexico Outlaws." Refreshments and book signing. Public invited. Info: Philip and Vivienne Kenyon, 565-7714.

Friday, Aug. 29

Eating Smart-Being Active class for anyone with children under 5 years old. Learn to cook and be active with your children. Classes start Aug. 29 and run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Info.: 564-1195 ext. 126.

Celebrate the completion of the new School Based Health Clinic at Southwest Open School. The school is hosting an open house of the new clinic, which will offer services to all students of the Cortez School District, as well as launching the next phase of a capital campaign to build new buildings on campus to replace dilapidated modular structures. There will be free food, refreshments, music and drawings for prizes. The fun starts at 4 p.m. at Southwest Open School, 401 N. Dolores Road, Cortez. This event is free and open to the public. Info.:

Mancos Valley Distillery will present Sol' Emporium. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the music starts at 8 p.m. Cover is $2. The band is comprised of Cody Kaufman, Dewarren Marshall and Aaron Dismukes. The three of them cover old rock, new rock and original music. Check them out on

Saturday, Aug. 30

The Hollywood Bar and Grill Day of Remembrance on Tuesday, Aug. 30. The event will celebrate the old and the new with historical photos, local characters, live music and food. Info.: 882-9998.

Josh Blue, winner of Last Comic Standing, performs in Cortez at 6 p.m. at the Parque de Vida pavilion to benefit Special Olympics Cortez. Gates open at noon. Bring ID to purchase alcohol. Cost: $20 in advance $25 at the gate. Tickets at Rocky Mountain One Stop or 565-9249

The Montezuma Early Childhood Council Free Family Day at the Park De Vida before the Josh Blue Special Olympics Fundraiser. Fun events start at 1 p.m.

Environmentally Sound Pasture Practices, sponsored by the Mancos Conservation District and the Mt. Lookout Grange from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Grange, 680 Grand Ave. in Mancos. This is the second in a series of four Saturday workshops addressing soil, irrigation, weeds and grazing for small acreage land.

Tuesday, Sept. 2

Cortez Evening Market from 4 to 7 p.m. in City Park (next to the Welcome Center). Local produce, handmade goods and live music.

The Four Corners Lecture Series, the Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado Archaeology Society, presents Dr. Jeffrey Dean on Tuesday, at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Church, 515 Park Street in Cortez, to discuss "New Research on Old Dates: Dendroarchaeology of Pueblo III Kiva Construction on Mesa Verde." Dean's presentation will focus on four kivas. Contact Kari Schleher at 505-269-4475 with questions.

Equine packing presentation by Daniel Russell at the Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen meeting at the Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Rd. Arrive for dinner at 6 p.m. to buy your own taco and hamburger Tuesday. The presentation will start at 6:30 p.m. Daniel has been packing for 13 years. Info.:, or 739-8787.

Wednesday, Sept. 3

The City of Cortez and the Cortez Historic Preservation Board would like to invite the public to a meeting at 6 p.m. at Kemper School Elementary School, 620 E. Montezuma Ave., in Cortez ,to discuss a possible historic district on Montezuma Avenue. Info.: 565-3987.

Thursday, Sept. 4

Choices & Options, a support group for families dealing with mental illness. The group is for regular people, not professionals, dealing with the daily struggles of mental illness. Meetings are on the first Thursday of the month from 6 to 8 p.m. Call Rose at 560-5662 for meeting location.

United Blood Services Mobile Blood Drive from 2:30 to 6 p.m. at the First Methodist Church, 515 North Park, Cortez.

The Animas Watershed Partnership joint public meeting with the San Juan Watershed Group and the Mountain Studies Institute at the Farmington Civic Center, 200 W. Arrington, Farmington from 6 to 8 p.m. A presentation will be given about monitoring water quality in areas of oil and natural gas development and the health of the Lower Animas will also be discussed.

Friday, Sept. 5

Enjoy live blues and swing with Roscoe on the patio of the Elm Street Tavern, 200 W. Main Street, Cortez at 7 p.m. and again on Saturday, Sept. 20 at 7 p.m.


The Montelores Catholic Community holds its Annual Rummage/Yard Sale, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, at Montezuma and Market streets in Cortez. A wide array of items will be available. Information: Barbara at 565-9673.

Saturday, Sept. 6

The Littlest Birds, a cello/banjo duo, will play at 8 p.m. at the Dolores River Brewery, 100 S. 4th St., Dolores. Tickets cost $5 Info. 882-4677 or

The Guardian Angel's Walk to End Alzheimer's is at Cortez City Park. Registration is at 9 a.m., and the Walk begins at 10 a.m. Country fair, with food, drinks, entertainment and games. Free, but donations welcome. Information: Cindy Lichliter (749-2319).

Sunday, Sept. 7

Join Lee Bartley and friends to celebrate the release of this new solo piano CD, "Carried Away" from 3 to 6 p.m. Please RSVP to Janet Lever-Wood at 882-2274 or

Monday, Sept. 8

The Southwest Singers will begin rehearsals for the fall season at 6:30 p.m., at the First United Methodist Church, 515 N. Park, Cortez. Holiday concerts will be given in December. Info.: 562-4476.

The Montelores Early Childhood Council will hold their next monthly luncheon meeting at 11:45 a.m., in the downstairs meeting room 110, in the Johnson Building, 925 South Broadway, Cortez. The public is invited to these meetings, especially parents. Lunch will be provided so please RSVP to Vangi McCoy by calling 970-749-7017.

Thursday, Sept. 11

Free Pottery-Making Program with Artist in Residence Michael Savage at 7:30 p.m., at Far View Lodge Library at Mesa Verde National Park. Learn about the aspects of pottery production that are rarely shown or demonstrated, including clay and slip preparation, paint preparation and manufacture, pottery tool construction, and the design and painting of pottery vessels. Info.: 970-529-4445.

Saturday, Sept. 13

The Montezuma VFW will be hosting its Annual End of Harvest Dinner for Veterans and their families starting at 5 p.m. This event is open to all Veterans. Join us good fellowship, and for roasted pig, corn and ice cream. The event is free, donations will be accepted.

The Galloping Goose Historical Society's annual meeting, lunch starts at noon, followed by the annual meeting at 1 p.m. Call 882-7082 for location and information.

Celebrate National Public Lands Day at Goodman Point Area and help clean up trash and tires and reclaim social trails and ATV routes. Volunteers must register and need to dress for safety wearing long pants, sturdy shoes, gloves and bring water and snacks. Lunch will be provided by the San Juan Mountains Association. Info.: 970-385-1310 or

The Montezuma County Democratic Party is hosting a FDR Fundraiser dinner at Cliffrose Garden Center and Gifts in Cortez from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 or $40 a couple. Feast on Local foods and libations. Local Music by O.T.T.O & the Harpies. Guest Speaker will be Abel Tapia. Contact Ric Plese at 970-739-4365 for more information.

Thursday, Sept. 18

The Mancos Tree Board will conduct a workshop on pruning street trees, concentrating on the area of Montezuma Avenue to 1st Street and Main to Aztec streets. Meet at Main and First at 9:30 a.m.

United Blood Services Mobile Blood Drive from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Pleasant View Fire Department, 15529 Road CC, Pleasant View.

Friday, Sept. 19

Local author Amy Cook will hold a book signing for her debut paranormal romance novel "Edge of Instinct" (Rabids Book 1) at the Cortez Public Library from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Her novel is available for purchase via in both ebook and paperback formats. A limited number of copies will be available for cash purchase at the signing.

Sept. 19-21

The Town of Mancos will be accepting scrap metal, old furniture, and old household items excluding electronics at the public workshop, 300 S. Monte. Friday the workshop will be open 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday it will be open 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Standard-sized tires will be accepted for a $3 fee.


Meeting about Montessori-based religious information for kids 3-6 will be held at St. Barnabas Church at 3 p.m. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd uses the stories of faith as vehicles to give expression to their connection to God. Information: 303-883-5679 or 565-7865.

Dolores Secondary Parent/Teacher Organization for the Dolores Middle/High Schools will have a dance to raise funds for the PTO from 8 p.m. to midnight at the Elk's Lodge in Cortez. There will be a DJ and the charge is $5 at the door. A cash bar will be available and the dance is open to anyone 18 and over. ID will be required at the door.

Tuesday, SEPT. 23

The Red Arrow Mill clean up will be discussed at a public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mancos Town Hall. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry will share their findings and other government agencies will be present as well.

Saturday, Sept. 27

The Dolores Chamber of Commerce Fall Festival at Flander's Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No charge for setup, but vendor's must call 882-7717 or 882-4018 to register. Music and activities are scheduled in addition to local produce, baked goods, crafts, jams and jellies.

Monday, Sept. 30

United Blood Services Mobile Blood Drive from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Mancos Community Center, 130 East Grand Ave., Mancos.

Through September

The Cortez Library Storytime offers "A Little Bit of Everything" as the theme for the month of September. The preschool Storytime program is held every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the library and every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Cortez Farmers Market, weather permitting. Info. 565-8117.

Saturday, Oct. 11

Cortez Elks 1789 Oktoberfest celebration. Open to the public and includes a golf tournament, autographed sports items silent auction, German food and more. Proceeds benefit Elks projects. Information: event chairman Lynn Gann at 970-565-7423 or club manager at 970-565-3557.

Thursday, Oct. 16

The 4th Annual Pretty in Pink Fashion Show by Love on a Hanger will start at 7 p.m. at Four Season's Greenhouse and Nursery. Enjoy an evening of fashion and talent along with complimentary desserts, cash bar and silent auction all while supporting the Women's Cancer Coalition. Tickets for the event are now being sold at Love on a Hanger, 34 E. Main St., Cortez or online at General admission tickets are $15 and VIP Seats are $30. Information: (970)565-9075.

First Monday

Southwest Center for Independence Second Chance Brain Injury group meetings at noon at 2409 E. Empire, Cortez. Call Matthew, 570-8001.

Cortez Emblem Club No. 261 meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Monday (except in January and February). Call 565-2197.

First Tuesday

American Legion Ute Mountain Post 75 meets at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 320 N. Harrison St. Call 565-8151.

Dolores Mountain Quilters meets 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave, Dolores. The Sept. 2 meeting will include results and reviews of 2014 Quilt Show. As always, guests and visitors are welcome. Info.: or Judith Swain at 970-560-4426.

First Wednesday

Diabetes support group meets 3:30-5 p.m. in the Kiva Room at Southwest Memorial Hospital. Learn how to manage diabetes; share ideas with others. Sessions are free and open to anyone with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Contact Laura White, RD, at 564-2276 for details.

First Thursday

Montezuma County Republican Central Committee meets at noon at Shiloh's Steakhouse. Email Nicci Crowley at or call 570-9372.

Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Support Group meets at 5-6:30 p.m. in the Kiva room at Southwest Memorial Hospital. Share ideas and exchange information with others who have had weight loss surgery at this free meeting. Contact Registered Dietitian Laura White, at 564-2276.

The Montezuma County VFW Post 5231 meets at 7 p.m. at the Post home in Mancos.

First Friday

First Friday Leadership at First National Bank in Cortez, 8-9 a.m. Free. Coffee and doughnuts at 7:45 a.m. Call Dena, 565-3414.

First and Third Thursdays

Learn signs and nursery rhymes at the Mancos Public Library at 10 a.m. All ages welcome. Call 970-403-9237.

Second Saturday

The Mancos Valley Historical Saturday meets at the Mancos Public Library at 10 a.m. Info: Bob Huffman: 406-249-7733

Second Tuesday

The Mancos Water Conservancy District board meetings are held at 7 p.m. at the district's office 42599 Road N, Mancos. Info: Gary Kennedy 533-7325.

The Montezuma County Historical Society Board of Directors meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Cortez Elks Club and includes a no-host lunch. Anyone interested in the history of Montezuma County and the Four Corners is welcome.

Second Thursday

The Southwest Woodworkers Guild meets at 7 p.m. at various locations. Woodworkers welcome, beginner to expert. beginner to the expert. Call Rick at 533-7180.

Second Sunday

The Mancos Community Dinners each month at Mt. Lookout Grange in Mancos (680 Grand Ave). Pay-what-you-can dinner, bring a dish if you want. Info, to help out or to make donations call Gretchen at 509-830-4380.

Second Thursday

The Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce's Business After Hours at various locations from 5-7 p.m. Call 565-3414.

Republican Women of Montezuma County invite the public to meet at noon at Shiloh's Steakhouse at 5 Veach St., Cortez. Call Rosemarie Beall at 564-1576.

A free legal self-help clinic for Montezuma County parties without an attorney are 2-5 p.m. at the Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Volunteer attorneys will assist one-on-one, via computer link. First-come, first-served.

Third Saturday

Christian Motorcycle Association, CMA - Cortez Chapter holds its 8 a.m. breakfast, 9 a.m. chapter meeting and 10 a.m. ride (weather permitting). At Beny's restaurant in Cortez. Call Chapter President Steve Reed at 970-565-7233. No motorcycle required.

Third Wednesday

The Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce Luncheon is held at noon at Shiloh Steakhouse. Call 565-3414.

Third Thursday

Dolores secondary PTO meets the third Thursday of every month at 3:45 p.m. in Mr. Thurston's office. Email Heather Alvarez at or call Tif at 903-8752.

Fourth Tuesday

4 Corners Republican Women's Club meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Cortez Elk's Lodge. Information: 565-2197.

Fourth Thursday

Monthly Civil Air Patrol Senior Squadron's monthly meeting, 6:30 pm, First Baptist Church of Mancos, 150 N. Walnut St.

Last Thursday

Suicide Support Group, 6:15 p.m. Hospice of Montezuma, 1345 S. Broadway, Cortez. Information: 565-4400.

Every Saturday

At 10 a.m., the Tree of Life In Jesus Messianic Community (Etz-Chayim B'Yeshua), holds services at 1509 Highway 145. Call 970-562-4217 or email

Every Sunday

First United Methodist Church has a Native American Worship Service at 2 p.m. Information: 565-3002.

Every Tuesday

The Montezuma Agility Dog Club's Basic Obedience classes for dogs 5 1/2 months and older. Classes are Tuesdays at 7 p.m., last one hour, and begin on April 29 and continue for six weeks. Class size is limited. Registration is first-come, first-served. Information: 970-882-5404.

The Dolores Public Library answers technology/software questions about Microsoft Word, email, digital pictures, etc. Free at 2-5 p.m. Call 882-4127.

Free medical care, Tuesday from 1 to 1:30 p.m., St. Barnabas Church, 110 W. North St., Cortez. Call 565-4436 to schedule or show up. Limited primary and pediatric care.

The Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St., continues the Little People Seasonal Storytime, at 10:30 a.m. The program follows the Mancos Re-6 schedule and runs through May. Children ages 2-6 will be taught songs, verses and stories. A craft is also offered. Free. Call the Library at 533-7600 or visit

Every Wednesday

The Way Christian Church Bible Studies class at 6 p.m.

Yoga Flow with Lily, Wednesdays 9:30-11a.m. at the Grange. Call 847-819-2039.

Every Thursday

Raising Readers Storytime offers songs, stories, crafts and silliness, using the Early Childhood Literacy Initiative program at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. For preschoolers at 10:30 a.m. Older children may attend the craft at 11:15 a.m.

Free Community Dinner at 6 p.m. at the Cortez Family Worship Center Foursquare Church, 500 N. Washington. Donation appreciated. Call 565-3709.

Weekly weigh-ins available with the Waist Management Group, 4:40 to 5:30 p.m., 343 E. Main St.,, Suite 300, Cortez. Free. Info: Berta at 565-9515 or 739-6014 after 4:30 p.m.

Country music and dancing for senior residents at the Cortez Senior Center, 7-10 p.m.

Every Friday

Friendship Social Group, 1 p.m. at Beny's Diner, 640 S. Broadway, Cortez. For those who are looking for support with finding new friends and social activities after a loss, or need a break from the role of a caregiver. Sponsored by Hospice of Montezuma.

Every Saturday

The Mancos Indoor Flea Market is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the old hardware store in Mancos, 192 S. Main St. To become a vendor, call Queenie Barz at 749-9320. The booth fee is $15 per weekend, along with insurance and vendor license charges.