
Nielson asks for help with book

Mr. Bill Nielson is currently writing a book on the history of Nielsons Inc. Some of Bill's records were disposed of by a former employee who thought any documents older than five years were no longer important. If any former employees or their families have any written records such as "Nielsons Country News" or photos, Bill would appreciate you contacting him at 882-7237.


It is that time of year again, that fire fighters often dread - burn season.

The Dolores Volunteer Fire Department asks that if you are burning ditches and fields that you please call 565-8441. This saves a lot of people grief.


I have a request on this line as well. Please, call your neighbors and let them know if you are going to burn. Some of us can have difficulty breathing and others can have asthma attacks. It would be nice to know, so we can plan to be elsewhere.


Kacee Russell was recently thrilled when her mare gave birth to a beautiful foal. Do you have any cute spring baby animal photographs? Send them in to me and share them with Dolores Star readers at



April 11: Perry Berry, Danita Kitlica, Christopher Harry Quintana, Lindsay Johnson

April 12: Suetta Mitchell, Eric Simmons, Dylan Biard

Happy Anniversary to Elmer & Vanda Jones.

April 13: Jim Welch, Jr., Steven Ricthardson, Lucas Barthalomew Keck, Justin William Shaffer, Sue Bieber, Yvonne Folsum

April 14: Mike Welch, Carl DeSelm, Mario Vargas, Shelby Jo Cleaveland, Madison McKensie Aman, Zachary Tyler Waters , Carmelita Perez

Happy Anniversary to Louie & Helen Edwards.

April 15: Jeffrey Roberts, Patricia Pierce, Freddie Chavez, Dimery Plewe

April 16: Mickey Rule, Pauline Filener

April 17: Rhonda Allen, Darlene Johnson, Coby Olsen

*Don't see your birthday here? Call 882-4486, to have yours or someone you know added to the list.