
Forest Service seeks rural schools proposals

Proposals are now being accepted for consideration by the San Juan National Forest Secure Rural Schools Title II Resource Advisory Committee (RAC).

Proposals must benefit lands and resources of the San Juan National Forest and the rural economies of La Plata and Dolores counties, which have opted to receive Title II funds through the RAC recommendation process. Projects may focus on restoring watersheds, decommissioning or maintaining roads, removing noxious weeds, thinning vegetation, or otherwise improving the condition of the National Forest and adjacent lands.

Projects should make investments and create job opportunities through maintenance of existing infrastructure, implementation of stewardship objectives or restoration of land health and water quality.

Prior to submittal, applicants must receive approval for Title II project proposals through their affected county and San Juan National Forest Ranger District. Proposals meeting the intent of the legislation will be reviewed on April 29, 2014.

The RAC will provide recommendations to the Forest Service on which projects should be funded. Proposals must be submitted through the link below no later than March 28, 2014. RAC forms are on the San Juan National Forest website under the “Quick Links” column labeled “San Juan NF RAC” at:

Information: Call Ann Bond at 970-385-1219.