
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Nov. 8, 1974, pages of the Dolores Star

The state of Colorado apparently followed the national trend and went Democratic in the general election naming Dick Lamm as Governor and for the first time in history, electing a black man, George L. Brown, to the second-highest office in the state.

Two hearings by the Public Utilities Commission are set for November to consider the proposed sale of Western Colorado Power Company properties to rural electric companies now serving the adjacent areas.

After the diphtheria death of Christy Sitton, Age 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sitton of Cortez, 39 throat cultures were taken on members of the religious sect, Church of the Firstborn. The tests were read on Wednesday of this week and all are negative, according to Dr. Harold Bryant of the Mancos Medical Clinic. The church members had gathered at the Sitton home to pray for young Christy and had been exposed to the disease. The other Sitton children, David, 14, and Tom, 8, were taken to Southwest Memorial Hospital under court order and treated for the disease. Both boys have since recovered and been released. Approximately 150 children whose parents belong to the religious group were ordered to stay out of school until it can be determined how widespread the disease is. Dr. Bryant said the Sitton family will be cultured again.

The quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Colorado Comprehensive Health Planning council, Inc., will be held at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 13 at the Community Center in Cortez. Among the items on the agenda will be a review of the Certificate of Need applications for the proposed new hospital and additional nursing home beds in Cortez.

The Board of Directors of the Dolores District Re4A voted at their meeting Wednesday night to send the proposed budget raise to a vote of the people with the election set for Dec. 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Chipper Smith and daughters left Saturday to return to their home in Arkansas.

Judy Walters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gass of Mesa, Arizona, have been visiting here during hunting season.

Mr. and Mrs. Corky McClain, Hazel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. David Smith had supper at Marcello's Friday night.

Curt Carlson returned home from the hospital Thursday.

Hazel Smith's brother-in-law, James Tate of Parlier, California, has been here for hunting season.