Ryan Mahoney to leave top post

Manager takes 'big city' job

Dolores Town Manager Ryan Mahoney personifies everything about Dolores. He mountain bikes the tough trails with locals, tends bar part-time at the Dolores River Brewery, hits the dance floor at music festivals and gets serious about running a quaint river town.

However, his tenure will soon come to a close. Mahoney announced this week he has taken the planning director job in Marana, Ariz., a suburb of Tucson, population 37,000. His last day will be Oct. 4.

"I'm bummed to be leaving," he said. "We really liked it here, and made some good friends. The job has been really great."

Mahoney was instrumental in promoting downtown revitalization, installing sidewalks and lighting, and catering to new businesses. He helped to steer high-speed Internet access to town, and negotiated a complicated land exchange for a new recreation trail. His cooperative nature and friendly, professional personality greased the wheels of progress.

"In this job you have to understand the importance of regional relationships, have an open-door policy and be open to new ideas," he said.

A nice feather in his cap is helping to close a private property easement needed to access the new non-motorized Forest Service McPhee Rim Trail.

"Having a trailhead in town is a real highlight, and I'm writing a GOCO grant to help install the town portion," he said.

From town, the eight-mile trail will follow the mesa rim and connect with Bean Canyon and a web of mountain-biking and hiking trails.

"A direct connection to the recreation trails on the forest will be a nice asset for the town, and getting it started is something I'm proud of," Mahoney said.

The Dolores Board of Trustees will be advertising for the new position soon, and they are hoping for a quick turn-around. They hope to have a replacement by the middle of December.

The salary range for Dolores town manager is between $63,000 and $78,000.