Fort Lewis College graduation is April 27

Saturday, April 27, is the culmination of the undergraduate college careers of more than 400 Fort Lewis College seniors. These students will make their way across the stage in front of family and friends to receive their degrees at Fort Lewis College's Spring Commencement 2013.

Two ceremonies are planned to accommodate all of the graduates, the first at 8:30 a.m. and the second following at 11:30 a.m. Graduates and families should check and click on "Commencement Information" to see which majors are graduating in each ceremony.

This year's Commencement Speaker will be Ann Rhoades, built a successful career out of being a people person.

From her time as vice president of the People Department at Southwest Airlines to her human resources consulting firm, People Ink, Rhoades has always focused on better serving those around her.