
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Nov. 9, 1934, pages of the Dolores Star

A slight flurry of snow was noticed here the latter part of last week, and a fall of some two feet is reported on Wolf Creek pass with about six inches on Lizard head. The La Platas show that section had some of the beautiful.

W. W. Schmaling and Max Walker were callers at the Star office Tuesday and reported that they have recently completed work which put the local telephone system in fine shape for the coming winter. This is a pretty good guarantee of uninterrupted service. Schmaling reports the phone company's business in this territory holding up well.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker came in late last week from Denver, bringing a new soda fountain and other equipment which they are installing in the building formerly occupied by the post office, where they will operate on up-to-date confection and plan to sell fountain drinks and servery in the near future. The Tuckers lunches.

Montezuma County has been allotted an additional and final sheep quota of $6,000 or 3,000 head of sheep may be purchased before November 15. Sheep men who desire to sell must list their number with the county extension agent, E. W. Barr, by November 10. Dolores county sheep men must have their sheep listed by November 10 also.

Will Belmear, of McElmo canon, was in Dolores Wednesday and Thursday, visiting with his wife and daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. George Smith have a new baby boy at their home. The young man arrived last Friday, Nov. 2, and is getting along fine. Dr. Lefurgey was in attendance.

Mrs. James Porter and Joe Scott went to Durango Monday to bring Mrs. Scott home. Mrs. Scott has been in Durango hospital the past few weeks recuperating from an operation. She is improving nicely.

Mrs. Tom Williams, of Stoner, came through Dolores Wednsday on her way to Cortez, taking the Stoner ballot box to the county seat.

Albert Miller and wife moved last Friday to their new home on Eighth Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Bauer and son went to Durango last Saturday, spending the night in Mancos with relatives and returned to Dolores Sunday.

Mrs. Lyle Bennett and some friends from Mesa Verde were in Doloroes on business Tuesday.

Miss Kloween McEwien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe McEwen of Cimmarron, N.M., is here for an extended visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Lottie Lockett and other relatives.