Sheriff Blotter

Monday, July 15

Dispatch received a call about vandalism. A post with three mailboxes on it and a fence post were damaged. On the ground there were black chips of paint where the post had been hit. The officer also noticed tire tracks that looked like a vehicle went off the road and hit the posts. The officer followed the tire tracks about two businesses down and noticed a black vehicle parked on the west side of the building. The vehicle had fresh damage on the front and rear bumpers of the vehicle. The officer spoke with an employee, who stated that his stepdaughter had dropped the vehicle off with him to look at it but he didn’t notice the damage to the vehicle before and said he did not drive it. The owner of the vehicle said she dropped the vehicle off to her stepfather to take a look at it but thought that another employee that worked there might have taken her vehicle since he had a drinking problem. That employee denied taking the vehicle and was very defensive when talking to the officer. The officer talked to other employees who also stated that the man believed to have taken the vehicle had a drinking problem and thought that he would have taken the vehicle. The officer checked some surveillance cameras but did not get any further leads.

Saturday, July 20

A woman called to report her vehicle missing from her driveway. Whe said her daughter called and said her pickup was gone. The woman said she left for Durango and her son was still at the house. She said she doesn’t know if her son had her pickup but he wasn’t allowed to. When she returned from Durango, the pickup was back in the driveway but the back window was broken, the steering column and ignition switch were damaged, and there was less gas in the tank. The woman said if her son came back that she would let the police know so they could talk to him. She said she was willing to press charges on whoever took her pickup.

Sunday, July 21

Officers contacted a man via telephone about vandalism to his vehicle. The man said his landlord’s girlfriend had spray painted his vehicle with black paint. He said when he returned home from dropping off his kids,he saw her walk quickly away from his residence with a can of spray paint in her hand. The man said he went to follow her and she drove down the road, parked for a second and then turned around and went the other way down the road. Officers were able to contact the woman, who changed her story a few times and acted really nervous while talking with them. She was arrested for criminal mischief. The woman stated that she had a split personality disorder that she was diagnosed with as a child. She said that she has been having more episodes lately because of her depression and that she calls the other person Pat. The officer asked her if Pat would have spray painted the car and she said she might have but didn’t think Pat was that aggressive.

Friday, July 26

An officer was patrolling on Railroad Avenue in Dolores when he noticed a vehicle turn without signaling. The driver was unable to provide his license, registration or proof of insurance. The driver also stated that he had three beers. The driver agreed to perform roadside maneuvers but did not complete them adequately. The man agreed to do a blood test and was transported to the Montezuma County Jail for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or both, and failure to use turn signal.