
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Oct. 26, 1934, pages of the Dolores Star

Commissioner and Mrs. Ed Porter were badly shaken up and Mr. Porter received serious injuries Wednesday afternoon when the car in which they were riding ran off the road on the Gould grade about 25 miles east of Dolores. Mr. and Mrs. Porter had been up the river to take Bill Porter to the sheep camp and were returning when the left front tire apparently blew out and cause the car to leave the road.

The town of Dolores now has one of the finest pieces of fire fighting apparatus of any of the towns in the basin, since the arrival of the fine new truck which fire Chief M. A. Plumlee drove in from Chicago last week. The equipment manufactured by W. S. Darley, of Chicago, is mounted on a ton-an-a-half Dodge truck chassis and is absolutely the latest thing out in this class of equipment. It has a pump attached to the engine which is capable of putting the water up to a pressure of 300 pounds per square inch which is almost sufficient to knock a hole in a brick wall, and throw 650 gallons per minute more than half a city block. Mr. Plumlee said the new truck attracted a great deal of attention in the cities and towns he drove through between here and Chicago. In some places the police stopped him and would not let him go on until their firemen had a chance to examine the new truck.

Three Cortez young ladies narrowly escaped death Friday afternoon when the car in which they were riding plunged 250 feet down a hillside near the T. A. Cresto ranch near Dunton. Miss Elizabeth Downey, daughter of Attorney and Mrs. J. J. Downey, was driving the car, a V-8 Ford sedan, and escaped with a sever shaking up. Miss Florence Jordan, a high school student, received a fractured vertebra, and Miss Margaret Jordan, a teacher in the Cortez schools, a broken hip. The young ladies are reported doing nicely at the Johnson hospital.

Harrison White, Republican candidate for sheriff, was a visitor in Dolores Tuesday. Mr. White says he raised a pretty fair crop of wheat on his place west of Ackmen, and he would have had a good crop of beans but for the john rabbits. He says he will welcome any and all hunters to his place to kill rabbits.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pellet were down from Rico Monday evening to attend the chamber of commerce meeting. Mr. Pellet is working a small number of men in his properties at Rico and shipping a little silver ore. He is not making a mint of money, but he is giving employment to a number of men, and that is commendable.

A wedding of interest to many Dolores people was solemnized at the Baptist parsonage Wednesday morning, when Miss Hazel Bell Holiday and Mr. Charles Raymond Wilderson were untied in marriage, the Rev. R. D. Rudd officiating.

Musgrave & Calhoon, local Dodge-Plymouth dealers, report the sale of a new Dodge sedan this week to Anna Semandeni, of Dove Creek.

The Dolores road project an authorized piece of construction three miles in extent, from the town limits to the national forest boundary, has very definitely NOT been abandoned nor transferred to any other section, according to information received this week from no less authority than Governor Ed. C. Johnson himself.