
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Dec. 6, 1974, Dolores Star

The budget increase election Tuesday saw a resounding defeat for the proposed Dolores School District budget increase with 259 voters voting "no" and 99 voting in the affirmative. Of the 360 ballots used, 358 were usable with two blanks.

The Town Board met Tuesday night to discuss liquor licenses and violations and completed their business by issuing a new liquor license to the Hofbrau and giving the Dolores Liquor Store a five-day suspension for a liquor violation.

There will be a free Wild Game Supper at the United Methodist Church in Dolores on Friday night. Entertainment will be provided by members of the Dolores Girls' Glee club.

Charles Wilder of Seattle, Wash., is reportedly the owner of the Hofbrau, taking over the business Dec. 1. Ralph Black, originally from New Orleans lately of Seattle will be managing the business. The hours will remain the same.

The 1974 Christmas tree cutting permits for the Dolores Ranger District on the San Juan National Forest is adjacent to the Taylor Creek road, 20 miles northeast of Dolores. The $1.50 tree permits and information about the cutting area and removal of trees is available at the Dolores District Office. Permits may be purchased Monday through Friday.

Graveside services for William Shepherd of Arriola will be held at the Cortez Cemetery Saturday afternoon, Dec. 7. Mr. Shepherd was born on March 28, 1890 and passed away at Southwest Memorial Hospital on Dec. 4. He had been a resident of this area since 1920 and was a veteran of WWI.

Teacher salary raises were set in the meeting Tuesday night at an $800 increase in the base pay, bringing it to $7,500 for a starting teacher with a BA plus a $200 increment.

The Elks Lodge in Cortez is sponsoring a free throw tournament on Friday afternoon for both boys and girls in the area. In Dolores the Hoop Shoot is divided into three age brackets in both boys and girls categories, 8- and 9-year-olds, 10- and 11-year-olds; and 12- and 13-year-olds. The three top winners of each age bracket from Dolroes go to Cortez on Dec. 15 for playoffs.

Dinner guest on Sunday evening at the L. V. Hill home were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Squires and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Squires and family. The Jack Squires family left on Monday to return to their home in Wyoming after vacationing here for six days through the holiday.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ball and Mrs. Ila Umberger returned recently fro a few days vacation in old Mexico.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hill spent Thanksgiving at the home of Katie's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell McNease in Farmington.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hill visited with L. A. Simmons on Saturday evening.

Jimmy Goode was home from his job in Arizona to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with is family.