
Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Friday, Dec. 7, 1934, Dolores Star

Cattlemen can wipe off the anxious look that has been on their faces for the past two weeks. One million more cattle are to get the government's green paint streak indicating that they have been bought by Uncle Sam. Harry Petrie, Chief of cattle and sheep section, AAA, was notified officially by Washington Tuesday morning and purchases will start immediately.

Lee E. Tripp, of Cortez, Colorado, authorized representative and application writer in Montezuma County for the new cooperative farm credit organization, the Montrose Production Credit association, has received notice of the first annual business meeting of the organization, together with an invitation to attend the session.

Babies noses have been given a new importance far beyond their usual function of keeping mother busy. They are being counted and registered under instruction from no less a personage than Uncle Sam himself. The grand old uncle of all the infants, solicitous of their welfare, has started "Register Your Baby" campaign in Colorado.

George Moore was down from Rico Tuesday and reported sleighing good in the streets of the mining town; which should be good news to folks down here who expect to irrigate next summer.

A statement of the condition of the local bank, J. J. Harris & Company, Bankers, is published in his issue of the Star. It may be noted that objectionable items, such as "bills payable" and "notes rediscounted" are conspicuous by their absence. A nice bank and a fine bunch of folks in charge of it, if they don't' mind us saying so.

The T. H. Akin store was handsomely decorated this week in gala holiday attire. Akins always have a large stock of Christmas goods and make a good job of displaying them.

The Dolores section has been treated to some real winter weather within the past week. The temperature dropped to four (above zero) Sunday night, according to the Star thermometer. Just now we are threatened with snow.

The Bozman-Owens Motor company is the first Dolores firm to prepare its display window with a Christmas display. The window is filled with auto accessories which will gladden the heart of any auto owner.

The home of Victor Gonzales was completely destroyed by fire at noon Tuesday and several of the family received severe burns. Explosion of gasoline used in cleaning curtains started the fire. Gonzales himself, received painful burns and his nine-year-old son was burned quite seriously, but will recover. The volunteer fire department responded quickly,b ut the flames had gained such headway that the firemen could do nothing but save the adjoining buildings. The house occupied by Mrs. Lena Nash was threatened and somewhat damaged. For some time there was doubt as to whether the Gonzales boy would live, but he is said to be out of danger at this writing.

A number of men from Dolores joined the rabbit hunt out west Sunday and seem to have done their bit of rabbit killing.

Edward Calhoon underwent a tonsil operation at Johnson hospital Tuesday and Richard McConnell had both his tonsils and adenoids removed that day. Both boys were brought home that same day, however.

C. A. Brown and Francia McCabe left early Sunday for Phoenix on an extended business trip.