
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, April 5, 1974, pages of the Dolores Star.

County Commissioners at their regular meeting Monday discussed the closing of the Dolores River Bridge with the road department, looked at it and decided that it will remain closed. There will be no attempt to repair the bridge this time and it will be torn down. No decision was made further than that. It was not decided if a new bridge will be built on the site or not.

The missing jeeps were discussed with the Sheriff and all of the jeeps have been found. One of them will be sold, one will be kept for parts and the third one will be used.

Representatives of the Forest Service appeared in regard to the agreement between the county and Forest Service on roads that the county maintains in the Forest. The agreement was brought up to date.

A workshop on Microwave Ovens will be held Wednesday, April 10 in the Dan Hunter Room of Empire Electric. Those who already have a microwave oven, those who are planning to buy one, and those who are interested in them are invited to attend.

Honored by a coffee Wednesday at her mother's home was Mary Alice Peck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don McQuaid. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Tom LaFrance were surprise by several of their friends with supper in honor of their 30th wedding anniversary. Sponsoring the supper were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steel, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nunn, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Art Nielson, Helen Fogel, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter. Afterward, they all attended the United Church Service at the Baptist Church.

Bill Bowden attended a Postmasters' meeting in Durango last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilbur and Irene Lee went to California last weekend to visit their sister, who is seriously ill.

Donnie Akin was home from Fort Lewis over the weekend, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Akin.

The T. H. Arnolds have moved into the new house they are building in the Lost Canyon addition.

Shannon Livick