Davis chosen as interim assessor


Appraiser William Scott Davis has been appointed as interim county assessor by the Montezuma County commission.

Davis will fulfill the remaining term of outgoing assessor Mark Vanderpool, who has been assessor since 2002 and is term limited next year.

Vanderpool accepted a tax services position in the private sector.

“I don’t expect any major changes,” Davis said. “It will be a smooth transition. We have a solid staff who are very knowledgeable.”

Davis is a Republican candidate for assessor in the November, 2014 election. He has been on the staff of the county assessors office for 19 years.

According to the Colorado Secretary of State website, Cynthia Claytor, also an appraiser with the county assessor’s office, has filed a candidate affidavit to run for county assessor as a Republican.

An elected county assessor serves a four-year term, and is term-limited after three terms.