
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Oct. 18, 1935.

Otis McDaniel Gets Death for Murder of Dunlap

Otis McDaniel is to die in the gas chamber at Canon City and Herbert to spend the rest of his life in the state penitentiary for the murder of Sheriff W. W. Dunlap, if the will of the jury before which the case was tried in Telluride this week is carried out.

According to Sheriff L. G. Warrick, who gave the Star this information, the brothers heard the verdict without a sign of emotion.

Deer Hunters Have Poor Luck So Far

Deer hunters returning from the hills report bucks hard to catch up with. Dryness of the woods and leaves makes it impossible to get around without making but little less noise than a McPhee locomotive, and so finding a deer is much more a matter of accident than design.

Opens Shoe Shop

H. L. Waters this week opened his show shop in the Gelwick & Wilbur building and is busy repairing shoes for all his many customers. Mr. Waters has good equipment and knows how to use it.

Local Chevrolet Dealer Makes High Sales Record

R. N. Musgrave, the local Chevrolet dealer is happy over having recently received an award from Chevrolet Motor Cl., for having exceeded the number of cars assigned for him to sell for the month of August.

Mr. Musgrave is one of the few dealers, if not the only one, in the basin to receive this award. The award is in the form of a bronze plaque, bearing his name and “A distinguished sales record, August, 1935.”

Open 2nd Hand Store

C. L. Flanders has bought a stock of second hand goods and will install the same in the building of Gelwick & Wilbur, the former Rust Mercantile location. Dick Turner is hauling the merchandise over from Pueblo, this week. The opening of a second hand store fills a long felt need in the community and will no doubt receive a liberal patronage.

Bradfield Brothers Sell Well

Bradfield brothers, of Dolores, sold on the Denver market last week 36 steers which weighing 565 pounds, which were classified as good stockers, brought a price of $8.00.

C. E. Bradfield sold 18 steers weighing 764 lbs. classified as good feeders, bringing in $7.50 and also sold 17 heifers classified as good beef weighting 753 lbs, bringing in $5. 75.

Dance, Dance, Dance

There will be dancing every Saturday night at the Riverside pavilion. Peppy music and a good floor. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening.

High School

We are all very proud of our football team. We feel that we have the best football team that Dolores has had for years. The pep club and band, as well as the town were 100 percent behind the team. We hope that in future games we will not only tie them but will win by a large score. Here’s to the D. H. S. football team everyone get behind them and they’ll show you what they can do.