Nonprofit financial training scheduled for April 4-5

Registration has opened for a comprehensive two-day training on nonprofit financial operations and best practices April 4-5 in Durango.

“Financial Focus: Mission and Money” will be facilitated by the Nonprofit Financial Fund, a nationwide consulting group for nonprofits.

The seminar will help nonprofit leaders understand their business model, operating performance and financial health, Tracy Pope, marketing and grants manager for The Community Foundation, said in a news release. The training is designed for executive directors, finance directors and board treasurers.

Registration for the two-day training costs $150 and includes lunch both days.

For more information or to register, visit

The two-day training normally would cost $500 but is sponsored by the Ballantine Family Fund and LPEA.

The Community Foundation serving Southwest Colorado is committed to providing continuing, affordable professional development to build a stronger nonprofit community in our region. Visit to learn more.