
Gallery Night at Kiva Montessori

Charter school holding classes at Crow Canyon
Gallery Night at Kiva was a showcase of work by Lower Elementary students. Second-grader Venice Rossiter draws a self-portrait using a mirror.

Children’s Kiva Montessori School hosted a Gallery Night last week, allowing younger students to show off some of their recent work.

The event was primarily a showcase for the 32 students in the Lower Elementary, or those in grades one through three. It also aimed to demonstrate to families who attended the Montessori method, which is generally marked by multi-age groups and an emphasis on student-driven exploration and learning, according to the American Montessori Society.

Gallery Night was held Jan. 10 at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, where the school’s classes are been held while their permanent school facility at 601 N. Mildred Road is under asbestos abatement.

Asbestos is just one struggle that Kiva has faced this school year. In November, a financial auditor found that the charter school had dipped into a fund designated by law for emergency use, and that the school was nearing its minimum enrollment, concerning because state funding is allocated on a per-pupil basis.

“The Board, Staff, and Volunteers are working hard to remedy all areas of concern for the future of the school,” Melissa Gould, a board member for the school, said in a press release. “The Board set internal benchmarks which were met by January 8th and will soon hold a Board Retreat to work on achieving the school’s improvement goals.”