Girls on the Run holding fall registration in Dolores

Elementary school girls in third, fourth and fifth grade are invited to register for the Girls on the Run fall program. The program is curriculum-based and uses walking, running and interactive games to encourage self-confidence and healthy living habits.

The 10-week after-school program, which is open to girls of all athletic levels and abilities, will begin the week of Sept. 2nd. Meetings will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. at Dolores Elementary School.

Registration is limited to 15 girls, so sign up early. Registration forms will be available at Dolores Elementary School during school enrollment on Aug. 7-8. Registration forms will also be sent home with students during the first week of school.

For more information, contact Casie LaMunyon by phone at 799-2946 or by email at Information is also available at