Dolores 80 years ago

Taken from the Feb. 2, 1934, Files of The Dolores Star

Presidents Party a big success

The McPhee Parent Teachers Association scored one of the biggest successes in some time here Tuesday night when two hundred couples participated in the dance given in connection with the nation-wide observance of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's birthday and the effort to raise a large sum of money to provide a foundation hospital to treat infantile paralysis.

Total proceeds of the venture run in the neighborhood of $245, of which the ticket sales amounts to $205, the balance being from the sale of spectators' tickets and half the proceeds for the supper served by the Dolores Civic club.

Music was furnished by Carlson's orchestra.

Two radio sets, supplied by Newell Musgraves were hooked up on the stage and at 9:15 the band program and the President's speech was heard.

With each dance ticket were allowed a hundred votes for the queen of the occasion. Votes were also given the supper tickets. This honor was awarded to Ms. Eleanor Lynton, daughter of Mayor John H. Lynton, Jr., of his place.

When the votes had been counted, the queen and the other contestants paraded around the hall, the queen looking very pretty, on the arm of her father who she elected to be her "King".

There were contestants from Dolores, McPhee, Cortez and Mancos. The votes received by each were as follows: Mancos - Esther Dyer 4080, Edith Hall 980; Cortez - Marie Miller 615, Faith Bozman 5315; Dolores - Ruth Schifferer 2305, Eleanor Lynton 6025; McPhee - Thelma Koenig 5625.

The crowd, which filled the hall, was composed of people from over both Dolores and Montezuma counties and mighty fine representation of the folks in this corner of the state. All entered into the spirit of the occasion and showed their eagerness to aid a good cause.

The sum to be sent to the Warm Springs foundation has not been determined exactly, it is estimated that it will be very near $200

The folks at McPhee, including Mrs. R.T. Speck, president of the Parent-Teachers association and the other members of the group, have received much commendation for their splendid effort as well as congratulations upon its success.