Vacation bible school at Church of Christ

This year, “Babylon: Daniel’s Courage in Captivity,” will be hosted at the Cortez Church of Christ June 10-14 for children aged four to fifth grade.

Children will step back in time to Babylon, exploring Daniel’s adventures as a captive in a foreign land. They will participate in a memorable Bible-times Marketplace, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, dig into Bible-times snacks, visit Daniel in a puppet show, and collect Bible memory makers to remind them of God’s Word. Each day concludes at Celebration — a time of upbeat worship that gets everyone involved. Babylon will run from 9 a.m. to noon each day.

The Cortez Church of Christ is located at 631 E. Montezuma Avenue, across from Kemper School. For more information, please call Diane at (970) 882-3400.