Donor pays for school projector system

A $10,000 donation will make it possible for Dolores schools to purchase a new projector system and improve the sound system.

This is the third time in the past two years the school has received a large anonymous donation. The district received it April 7, and the donor requested that the money be spent on the projection system, said school business manager Karen Andrews.

Superintendent Scott Cooper said the screen and projector were "not a need, but a big want."

The two items, which ran a little more than $7,000, have been purchased. The school hopes to have them both installed for the high school graduation ceremony on May 24.

The screen is 16 feet wide by 12 feet tall and will replace the 8-foot screen that wasn't visible to the entire audience, said Mark Baxter, the district's technology director. The screen and the projector will be installed in the ceiling of the cafeteria and be deployed by a button, eliminating wires taped to the floor. Presentations and videos will be seen from the cafeteria and gym.

The school plans to apply leftover funds to improve the sound system, and a local contractor is working on it, Andrews said.

"We have someone working on the sound system to have it ready for graduation, but the purchase of new equipment may not be done before graduation. We want to do this right and not rush into just buying something," Andrews said.