Spying activities are costly, alarming


Are we as US citizens really buying what our leaders are saying about the NSA?

First we were promised by two presidents that only terrorists or suspected terrorists would be targeted with warrantless wire tapping. I can almost buy the idea that nearly all of the people living in Germany are suspect somehow. Millions in Spain? OK fine. As for the president of Mexico, prime minister of France, (under Bush, mind you) and the German chancellor?

Then we were promised by two presidents that these things are closely looked over by a secret panel with our Constitution in mind. Yet Obama is now telling us he had no idea the NSA was looking into personal information on allies? I am not sure what is worse. Our elected leaders for lying about it, or us for believing it!

Of course everyone spies on everyone, as some foreign journalists are saying. The rest of the world is just jealous the good old USA can afford it.

This makes me wonder how much we spend circumventing the cornerstone of our young nation. Billions? Trillions? Can we afford it? It’s only for our safety! Yeah right, and the broad streets and height limitations on buildings in Paris were just for looks.

Colin Kinkade
