
A constitutionally obedient candidate

Does anyone else get sick and tired of the election year lies of incumbent politicians by both major parties in the far-off distant land of Washington, D.C.?

For the past four decades, I’ve compared what they say to how they voted constitutionally; you know, the Constitution they swore an oath to “serve and defend against enemies foreign and domestic.” The historical, objective votes do not lie, as can be found at When you enter Rep. Scott Tipton, you’ll find that his constitutional votes have steadily declined over the past nine years in office, starting in 2011. The really cool thing about the website is that you will learn why the votes are right or wrong for our once-strong nation.

When I took the Army’s oath to serve the Constitution, they didn’t give me an option to defend less than 100%, nor my son who is serving now. How serious should the oath to the Constitution be taken before the U.S. is on its deathbed like Greece and Venezuela?

I certainly hope that all of the politicians listed on the website respect their wedding vows better than their wayward votes against the Constitution. A huge percentage of the politicians are 20% or less, meaning they spend more time with Marxism than they do with the Constitution!

We need more educated, freedom loving voters to elect constitutionally obedient candidates. Tipton’s time has come to step down and allow Lauren Boebert the chance to turn our republic around constitutionally by making the states strong again. She deserves the chance to represent Colorado in the U.S. House, and if she can’t hit the 100% mark constitutionally, then you get to decide in two years if her term is up.

Vote for Lauren Boebert when the Republican primary ballots are mailed in early June.

Jerry LawGlenwood Springs