Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, May 3, 1974 pages of the Dolores Star

Thieves are at work again stealing copper wire from Empire Electric Association. April 23rd they were stealing wire 2 miles east of Pleasant View when a cross arm broke and dropped a 7200 volt power line which caused an outage. They struck again April 24th three miles northeast of Cahone. This time, they stole two miles of copper wire. The sheriffs of Dolores and Montezuma Counties are investigating. Persons are reminded that there is a reward of $2,000 offered by Empire Electric, in addition there is a $1,000 reward offered by Colorado Rural Electric Association for information leading to arrest and conviction of these wire thieves.

A tree planting operation is currently underway on the San Juan National Forest has all the appearance of a military exercise with a full-scale camp set up on Hay Camp Mesa that has kept Ralph Johnson and his assistants from the Dolores District busy for days getting it ready and now running the five planting crews. A sometimes crew of about 90 planters is trying to get 150,000 Ponderosa Pine in the ground by Saturday.

According to the Colorado State Highway Dept., bids will be opened on May 16 at 9:30 a.m. for 3.7 miles of grading, structures and stabilizing on US 160, beginning at the top of Wolf Creek Pass and extending southwesterly.

Other than routine business, items listed on the agenda for the school board meeting for District Re4A on May 2 include teaching contracts, Project Sun for the 1974-75 school year and an additional teacher at the secondary level.

Little League gets underway this week with the first practices scheduled for Thursday, May 2. Official kick-off parade and games will be held on Saturday in May with the first official games of the season scheduled for Thursday, May 16th.

Dart Nielson received two awards at the ROTC awards night last Friday, making four awards he has received this year.

Bossie McEwen entertained her bridge club on Tuesday evening with Margaret Nielson, Mary LaFrance, Marge Bowden, Vaughna McClain, Mary Akin, Marge Welch and Loava Bartholomew, Mary LaFrance won high; Mary Akin won low; and Marge Bowden won bingo for the afternoon.

Stereo equipment stolen from a Farmington school April 10 was recovered on April 23rd by Dolores Town marshal Charlie Aragon. One local juvenile was involved in the thefts and according to the Marshal it is still a possibility that New Mexico authorities will prosecute; however they are considering an informal 6-month probation as an alternative. Marshal Aragon would like to thank the parents involved for their cooperation with law enforcement officials concerning this matter.