
K-9 SAR returns from N.M. conference

The K-9 Search and Rescue Team Inc. has recently returned from Santa Fe after participating in the 2014 New Mexico state search and rescue conference called ESCAPE.

Nine members and four canines attended the conference and spent time with Howard Paul, public relations officer of the National Association for Search and Rescue/Colorado Search & Rescue Board.

Two K-9 members received their New Mexico state field certification, and two were trained as Hug-A-Tree Instructors. This national program is intended for elementary school children to promote safe behavior before, and if, becoming lost. It will be a welcome adjunct to the Team's PREPARE program, wherein caregivers are provided with information to provide law enforcement in the event of a lost person.

Four of the members presented classes to the 28 canine teams that were in attendance. It was a successful three days of learning and teaching. K-9 Search and Rescue Team is now better prepared to find missing people because of it.

The team is always looking for assistance in training the dogs. Check out or call 970-882-4746 for information.

The team also needs volunteers with a wide variety of talents and interests, so please don't hesitate to contact them to see if you can help "So That Others May Live."