
Now is just the time to be neighborly

As we start to venture out, let’s welcome our neighbors who are wearing masks. They may be more vulnerable, have a preexisting condition, maybe they are a medical worker or an essential worker, or just wanting to protect their neighbors in the community.

I have heard stories of individuals being laughed at, humiliated, verbally abused, even physically being pushed at some stores in Cortez and Mancos. This time could be such a great moment to welcome back our neighbors who are venturing out to reconnect with neighbors and support local businesses. It is sad to think that some clerks, managers and other customers aren’t welcoming their neighbors.

No matter what your feelings are about your rights to reopen or your concerns about staying home, can’t we remember we are all in this together?

Our doctors, nurses, police, firemen, EMTs, sanitation workers, hospital administrators, grocery store workers, truck drivers, farmers, ranchers, and all other essential workers who are fighting on the front lines everyday deserve our respect, thanks and cooperation in keeping COVID-19 in check wherever we can.

This country has a long history of overcoming tremendous challenges. Hopefully, we can tap into the common energy of those past great and greatest generations that persevered through the flu outbreak in 1918, World War I, The Great Depression and World War II. Let’s pull together and be civil, empathetic, loving and just plain neighborly.

Mark HurleyMancos