A thanks to all who helped with symphony


On behalf of the entire board of directors of SouthWest Colorado Concerts, I’d like to thank the people who helped make possible the recent premier Cortez performance of the San Juan Symphony on Sunday, Oct. 6.

This performance was two years in the making. Our thanks to the board of directors of the San Juan Symphony, especially executive director Kathy Myrick who handled a myriad of details, and Music Director Arthur Post for his special effort in programming to the size of the Montezuma-Cortez High School Auditorium stage.

Here in Cortez, we required support in reserving school facilities far in advance with little leeway in dates, and great logistical support to accommodate such a large number of musicians. Thanks to everyone in the RE-1 school district for their help and enthusiasm: superintendent Alex Carter, M-CHS principal Jason Wayman, his secretary Debra Ramsey, activity director Stacey Hall and custodian Walter McCully. A special thanks to drama coach Nicholaus Sandner for access to the stage and sound and lighting, and to band director Rodney Ritthaler for chairs, music stands, tympani and all other things musical.

Our thanks always to our donors, sponsors and audience members, and to local media outlets. It would not have been possible to offer this concert without everyone’s support.


Paul Bostrom

President, SouthWest Colorado Concerts