Dolores youth earns Eagle Scout badge


It took seven years, but Evan Moore of Boy Scout Troop 518, chartered by the Mancos Hose Company No. 1, reached a goal by earning his Eagle Scout badge.

The final step in the process was his Eagle project, refurbishing the walking bridge at Mancos State Park.

Evan began his tenure with the Boy Scouts as a Tiger Cub in first grade in Cub Scout Pack 516, chartered with the Methodist Church in Dolores. In fifth grade, he completed Cub Scouts by earning the Arrow of Light and transferred to the Mancos Troop, since there was not a Boy Scout troop in Dolores.

Moore, a senior at Dolores High School, earned his Eagle Scout badge on Dec. 18, 2013. He is one of 12 boys from Mesa Verde District, based in Durango, to earn the rank of Eagle Scout in 2013. Evan’s Court of Honor is planned for June.