
Police Blotter

Wednesday, March 31

7:43 a.m. A man was cited on suspicion of two counts of first-degree criminal trespass in the 600 block of South Broadway. He allegedly broke into several vehicles at a business.

9:23 a.m. An Amazon Fire HD tablet was reported stolen in the 800 block of North Edith Street.

10:40 a.m. Controlled substances were found and turned over to police in the 700 block of South Broadway.

3:46 p.m. A man was cited on suspicion of driving with a revoked license and failure to provide proof of insurance in the 700 block of South Chestnut Street.

5:46 p.m. A male inmate was served a warrant at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

6:23 p.m. A stolen dirt bike was recovered in the 100 block of South Elm Street. The people using the bike claimed the were purchasing it from another man.

6:26 p.m. A man was arrested on a warrant in the 400 block of East Fourth Street. He was reported as a suspicious person climbing a tree. Sheriff’s staff and a firetruck assisted the police effort, but refused to come down for about three hours, then jumped a fence and fled on foot before being taken into custody.

Thursday, April 1

10:14 a.m. A counterfeit bill was turned over to police in the 200 block of East Main Street.

11:44 a.m. Unemployment fraud was reported in the 800 block of North Edith Street.

7:19 p.m. A vehicle was reported stolen in the 300 block of South Maple Street.

Friday, April 2

10:09 a.m. A male inmate was served a warrant at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

11:44 a.m. A private property hit-and-run crash was documented by an officer in the 400 block of North State Street.

11:59 a.m. A man was arrested on an active warrant in the 700 block of East Second Street.

1:39 p.m. A man was cited on suspicion of trespassing in the 100 block of South Elm Street.

4:43 p.m. Theft of hardware was reported in the 1300 block of Cochita Drive.

8:10 p.m. Elder abuse was reported in the 20 block of West Seventh Street. The suspect could not be located to be served with a trespass notice.

Saturday, April 3

12:57 a.m. A man was cited on suspicion of harassment in the 400 block of South Cedar Street. He allegedly threatened to kill his brother in his sleep.

12:23 p.m. A man was arrested on two active warrants in the 600 block of East Main Street. He attempted to flee police when confronted.

Monday, April 5

7:31 a.m. A trailer was reported stolen from a construction site in the 900 block of South Oak Street.

12:39 p.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of attempted first-degree criminal trespass, two counts of resisting arrest and third-degree criminal trespass in the 600 block of North Elm Street. He allegedly tried to enter a woman’s home.

1:28 p.m. A man was arrested on three active warrants and cited on suspicion of protection order violation and possession of drug paraphernalia in the 1700 block of East Main Street.

2:25 p.m. A man was arrested on four active warrants and cited on suspicion of resisting arrest and a woman was arrested on two active warrants in the 200 block of East First Street.

4:56 p.m. A woman was arrested on suspicion of two counts of protection order violation in the 600 block of East Main Street.

10:29 p.m. A woman turned herself in on an active warrant at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Tuesday, April 6

Noon, A man was arrested on suspicion of felony violation of bond conditions and three counts of protection order violation in the 20 block of North Madison Street.

2:56 p.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of third-degree assault, domestic violence, protection order violation and cruelty to animals in the 800 block of South Broadway. He allegedly struck a woman’s leg with a walking cane multiple times and kicked her puppy twice.

The Journal