
Letter: Dolores River Festival canceled again this year

As you may have read in the Journal in recent weeks, we had to cancel the 2021 Dolores River festivalfestival again due to the ongoing health crisis. It was a painful but necessary decision.

While many people are getting vaccinated and the positivity rates have been reduced for those who have been tested, our decision had to be

made months before June when we would normally be committed financially to our musical entertainers and reciprocally with vendors to us.

We have rescheduled our Mountain Film On Tour fundraiser event to Oct. 16, and we are optimistic that it can be held safely, in some fashion, at that time.

We truly appreciate the support we get from you, our sponsors and patrons, and we look forward to the festival being a highlight in our community

again next year!

John Chmelir, Chair, Board of Directors

Greater Dolores Action