Letters: It must be miserable being a Democrat

It took a while to cool down after reading the opinion by David Ohman (“

The Silent Majority supports our president and the changes that are taking place in America.

It must be miserable being a liberal Democrat. Everything is negative. It is all based on hatred of President Donald Trump and his supporters.

I am sick of seeing morons screaming, crying, putting on diaper pins, eating Tide Pods and showing behavior like spoiled toddlers. It’s a long time since Trump won the election. It’s time to move on to something other than a desperate circus for impeachment.

They know that he will win by a landslide this time. Get set, you have five more years.

They can’t win legally. They want criminals to vote. They want to buy votes from freeloaders, promising free stuff.

I almost vomited when reading Mr. Ohman’s claim that President Barack Obama caused the rebound in our economy. I almost couldn’t continue reading. He must live under a rock.

Democrat leadership better build huge walls around their mansions and have well-armed guards to separate them from the homeless. We, the Silent Majority, have so much hope and pride in our country, following a leader that brings respect from the rest of the world. He’s not kissing the buttocks of dictators while sending palates of money, including one for Obama.

They don’t refuse to accept the prosperity from Trump’s economy.

Thomas B. BurnisonCortez