
Atmos Energy urges homeowners and contractors to dig safely

The Journal

Atmos Energy requests that homeowners and contractors delay nonessential digging in an effort to avoid damaging an underground natural gas pipeline.

“Even a minor damage can cause a leak or rupture and lead to evacuations and have detrimental consequences,” Atmos said in a news release. “If digging is necessary, take extreme caution and always call 811 first to have utilities marked prior to digging.”

Atmos linked its message to the coronavirus outbreak, stating “the partnership between utilities, excavators and communities is crucial in maintaining safe, reliable natural gas service and now, more than ever, that is true.”

Americans who are sheltering in place to help slow the spread of COVID-19, Atmos urged excavators and homeowners to evaluate the need of the digging project.

Call 811 at least two days before digging, Atmos said, to help protect the underground utility lines used every day.

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