Great Decisions series to be held at Durango library

Eight sessions will include topics on foreign policy

The Durango Great Decisions International Affairs facilitated discussion program will begin its 2019 schedule Jan. 26.

Eight timely international affairs discussion topics are suggested annually by the Foreign Policy Association, which prepares a briefing book, a teacher’s guide and a DVD on the eight topics. The DVD on the current topic is shown at each Durango discussion.

Great Decisions will meet every other week after that, for a total of eight sessions, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Durango Public Library, 1900 East Third Ave.

The events are free and open to the public.

The program is sponsored by the library, American Association of University Women and the La Plata County League of Women Voters.

The program topics and facilitators will be:

Jan. 26: Middle East: Regional Disorder, Katherine Burgess.Feb. 12: The United States and Mexico: Partnership Tested, Mike Todt. Feb 22: Decoding U.S.-China Trade, Kim Martin.March 12: The Rise of Populism in Europe, Paul DeBell. March 26: Refugees and Global Migration, Ruth Alminas.April 9: Nuclear Negotiations: Back to the Future, Guinn Unger.April 23: State of the State Department and Diplomacy, Curt Johnson.May 7: Cyber Conflicts and Geopolitics, Gail Harris.Briefing books about the eight 2019 topics can be ordered for $25 from Susan McGinness, 756 East Sixth Ave., Durango, CO 81301. Include a check made out to LPLWV and an email address.

Once these books are all reserved, books may be ordered from the Foreign Policy Association at or (800) 477 -5836 for $32, or from Amazon. The library will keep one copy on reserve.