
Democrats want to destroy everything

What has happened to our great country? Democrats are trying to destroy everything that Americans hold dear.

They hire rioters and looters to destroy cities. They are too stupid to recognize that all 20 of the top cities being destroyed are Democrat-run. I agree with President Trump that we should not risk lives of reasonable people to stop it.

Let the Democrats have it run its course and experience what socialism would be like. See how they survive growing kale they planted in Styrofoam cups.

Fake News is so bad that after about 90 seconds, I get nauseated. Fox News is accurate but makes me so mad that I can’t watch it either. Even our local paper is full of BS hate-Trump articles. Most of the letters to the editor have no real facts to consider, nothing but snowflake liberal dribble.

Rioting, looting, burning and idiotic behavior just creates racism and hatred. Trump is the only person showing love for our country. He has been brilliant in his handling of COVID and all the attacks on him and our country. Morons do nothing but blame everything on him while the truth is, the left is promoting all the destruction and hatred because they are desperate. Joe Biden isn’t really capable of leading a sing-along in a nursing home, so they have no platform.

It must be miserable to be a Democrat. They deserve to be crying in November again.

Thomas BurnisonCortez