J.S. Roatcap was in town Wednesday and made the statement that today his peach crop is safe and from all appearances he will raise the biggest in some time.
A shipment of twelve cars of new Chevrolet trucks was brought in yesterday for use at the forest conservation camp north of Dolores. There were eleven trucks and three pickups in the shipment. The machines are unloaded and are being serviced at the Dolores Motor Company garage.
A list of the graduates from the Dolores eighth grade follows: Ustaine McEwen, Dorothy Ratekin, Ruth Knoblock, Ruth Wilderson, Annie Thomas, Robert Wagner, Shirley Cremean, Lewis Smith, Max Archibeque, Irene Ritter.
Stoner Items: There was a good crowd at the box supper and dance at the school house Saturday night, given by the baseball crowd. The Ricadoans furnished the music.
The last issue of the Rico Item contained a letter from the post office department, which sheds some light on the recent controversy between Cortez and other towns served by the Rio Grande Southern Railroad. "It has not been found advisable to make any changes in the present routing of these mails as we believe that the present service arrangement is the best for all concerned." W.W. Howes, Second Assistant Postmaster General.
High School Notes: The seniors went on their "sneak day" Wednesday. They met at the high school building and left at 7:30 for Durango. Some of them went on out to Carbon mountain and climbed it. Then they went on to Trimble Springs for lunch and a swim. Everyone had a swell time, especially Richard, who doesn't like the senior girls so took Maude along for company.
Quite a baby show took place Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Winnie Akin when Mesdames Charles Reid, Herman Kuhlman and Merwin Akin called, bringing their young babies. The babies were placed side by side on the couch and were on their best behavior. The judges failed to decide which was the finest baby.