We are Americans and we support Trump

Our Trump flags were stolen from our property the first day they were up. Not only were they expensive and an investment, considering difficult times and people being laid off, they were brand new.

My husband and I do not appreciate that someone came onto our property and stole something that did not belong to them and also aimed to suppress our free speech as rightful and lawful Americans, per our Constitution. It is wrong.

Evidently, according to the sheriff, this is going on across the county.

You may believe you have the right to do this, however we do not. You may get away with this for now, however God still sees everything and knows exactly who you all are. You will Answer to Him.

It is a sad day in America when lawlessness is so accepted that people have their property stolen in efforts to suppress their speech. It is also a sad time for our wonderful police.

You will see our flags up again as we are Americans and will persist.

Rebecca BartlettCortez