Marianne Mate for Empire Electric board

I am writing in support of Marianne Mate for the District 4 seat on the Empire Electric Association’s Board of Directors.

Marianne has deep experience working with nonprofit and municipal boards. What most impresses me is the breadth of her understanding of the issues facing our electric cooperative.

This is the second year in a row that we have enjoyed contests for board seats. In previous years, candidates for open seats ran unopposed. The new trend demonstrates increased public interest in how we get our electricity and how much we pay for it. There are new demands on generators, transmitters and distributors of electric power; markets are shifting; changes in the configuration of the TriState cooperative will impact EEA members. Marianne Mate is ready to help EEA members navigate these challenges through “local leadership for affordable rates, clean and reliable local energy and better local control,” as she says in her mailer.

I have been attending EEA’s monthly board meetings for several years. For the last year, Marianne also has been at most meetings, asking questions and making comments. As a result, I am confident that Marianne is ready to serve the community with her understanding and her desire to know and do more. I have not seen any of the other candidates at these meetings.

Heidi BruggerCortez