Police Blotter

Tuesday, July 16

5:44 p.m. An officer was called to the Mountain View Trailer Court, 815 S. Chestnut St., about two men who were suspected to be intoxicated and causing a public disturbance. One man was arrested on an active felony warrant and was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

7:36 p.m. An officer was called to City Park, 802 E. Main St., about a man who was causing a disturbance. When approached, the officer observed the man had slurred speech. He was arrested for possession of alcohol in the park and was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

10:03 p.m. An officer was called to City Market, 508 E. Main St., about several people who were throwing objects at vehicles. Three subject were contacted. One was identified, but the other two subjects gave false names. A fingerprint check accurately identified the subjects. One of the men had two active warrants and was arrested. The man was also issued a summons for giving a false report to a police officer and was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

Wednesday, July 17

7:08 p.m. An officer on patrol in the 500 block of East Arbecam Avenue recognized a man who had an active warrant. The man was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

9:10 p.m. An officer was called to City Market, 508 E Main St., about a group of people throwing objects into the street. The officer contacted seven individuals, including a man who had been issued a protection order banning the consumption of alcohol. The man had bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. The man was arrested and taken to Montezuma County Detention Center, where a breath analysis showed he had a blood-alcohol content of 0.307. The man was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

Thursday, July 18

1:31 a.m. An officer was called to Blondie’s Trophy Room, 45 E. Main St., about a broken window. A suspect was later identified at the Handy Mart, 806 South Broadway. The suspect, a man had slurred speech and the odor of alcohol on his breath. The man had an active warrant and a restraining order banning the consumption of alcohol. The man was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

1:23 p.m. An officer was directed to the 300 block of North Washington Street by a detective who believed a man with an active warrant was in a vehicle in the area. The vehicle was observed weaving and crossing the lane lines in the 1500 block of Main Street. When the vehicle stopped a man exited the car and ran northbound on North Washington Street. An officer pursued the man and eventually caught up to him at North Beech Street and East Arbecam. The man has an outstanding warrant. He was arrested. Several weapons were discovered in the vehicle, including a knife and brass knuckles. The man was issued a summons for possession of an illegal weapon, resisting arrest and obstructing a peace officer. The man was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

3:04 p.m. An officer in patrol in the 200 block of North Adams Street recognized a man who had an active warrant. The man was arrested and left in the custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

Friday, July 19

1:42 p.m. An officer was called to the 300 block of East Main Street about three men drinking alcohol. A man was found in possession of an open bottle of Taaka Vodka, but he was on private property, and no summons was issued. Another man, who had an active warrant for his arrest, was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

6:01 p.m. An officer was called to Taco Bell, 1300 E. Main St., about a Chevy Cruze that was in the drive-thru for an extended period of time with its windshield wipers going off and on. When the officer arrive the vehicle as gone, but the officer located it in a parking lot facing North Street. A man was observed outside the vehicle urinating. When the officer arrived, the man appeared to be confused and attempted to drive away with the passenger door open. The officer stopped the man from leaving and asked if he would perform roadside sobriety tests. The man refused and asked if his “aunty” could take the tests because he was drunk. The officer noticed a firearm on the man’s right hip and told him to keep his hands up until he was disarmed. The man complied but appeared confused and had the odor of alcohol on his breath. He slurred his words when speaking. The man was arrested on suspicion of DUI, and a tow truck was called to impound the vehicle. A breath analysis showed he had a blood-alcohol content of 0.182. The man was also issued a summons for DUI per-se, driving under restrained license and prohibited use of a firearm. The man was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

Saturday, July 20

11:11 a.m. An officer patrolling the 200 block of Seventh Street when he stopped a vehicle with a broken passenger side brake light. The male driver had an active warrant. He was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

3:35 p.m. An officer was called to Safeway, 1580 E. Main St., about a trespassing complaint. A woman was arrested on an active warrant for failure to comply. She was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

4:20 p.m. An officer was called to Valley Sun Village, 700 E. Second St., to serve a man with an active warrant. The man attempted to flee and the officer tried to stop him, and both of them tumbled to the ground. The officer ordered the man to put his hands up, and he complied, and he was arrested on an outstanding warrant. While he was being arrested another man came to visit him, and he also had an outstanding warrant. Both men were arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

11:57 p.m. An officer was called to a hit-and-run in a parking lot at 309 N. Broadway. A man said he came out of a bar and noticed his vehicle had been hit. An eyewitness gave the officer a description of a dark-colored pickup truck that hit the vehicle. The pickup was later identified in the 500 block of Madison Street. The man who was driving the vehicle said he was unaware he had hit another vehicle. The officer took photos of the minor damage to the pickup and filed a report. No action was taken.

Sunday, July 21

12:30 a.m. An officer in the 1100 block of East Main Street observed a man driving a white Ford Thunderbird erratically. The officer attempted to stop the vehicle, but it fled, running a red light at Harrison Street. The vehicle was eventually stopped at Mildred Road. When the officer contacted the man, he recognized the driver from previous contacts. After a conversation about the traffic stop and the man, who’s eyes were bloodshot, became combative and refused to exit his vehicle. The man then turned the music on his radio up loud. Another officer arrived to assist in the stop. The man resisted officers while being pulled from the car. The man appeared to be reaching to his waistband for what the officers suspected was a weapon. Eventually, officers were able to handcuff the man, who was cussing at officers and making disparaging racial comments about them. The man was arrested for obstructing an officer and for resisting arrest. The man was searched and a knife was found on him. A search of the car discovered an empty bag from LivWell marijuana dispensary and a glass marijuana pipe. The man was issued a summons for driving under the influence, driving without a valid license, careless driving, resisting arrest, obstructing a police officer, underage consumption of alcohol and underage possession of marijuana paraphernalia. He was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

8:19 a.m. An officer was called to Sonic Drive-in, 436 N. Broadway, about a man who was passed out in his vehicle when he was delivered his food. When the officer contacted the man, he could smell alcohol on his breath and observed two small bottles of Fireball alcohol and a large bottle of whiskey. The man had a protection order issued against him banning the possession or consumption of alcohol. The man was arrested for violation of a protection order. He was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

7:57 p.m. An officer was called to the Montezuma County Detention Center to issue an active warrant to a male inmate.

Monday, July 22

8:22 a.m. An officer was called about vandalism in the 100 block of West MacArthur Avenue. A woman reported someone tagged her fence with dark red spray paint. No clues about a suspect were observed at the scene. The officer filed a report.

8:42 a.m. An officer was called to serve a warrant to a man at Montezuma County Combined Court, 865 N. Park St. The man was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

10:09 a.m. An officer was called to a traffic accident in the 300 block of East Main Street. A SUV was hit while parked. The parties decided to take care of the incident privately. A report was filed.

4:58 p.m. An officer was patrolling in the 1800 block of East Main Street. When he observed a woman who he recognized with an active warrant. The woman was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

Monday, July 23

8:12 a.m. An officer was called to Sun Glass Cortez about as broken window. A glass door on the north side of the building was broken. The officer investigated and took pictures of footprints and damage to the glass door. He filed a report including pictures as evidence.

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