Where there’s smoke there’s fire? Not this time

Forest Service asks public to not report fires; it’s a film crew
The U.S. Forest Service says smoke should be visible this week from a film crew north of Durango.

If you see smoke north of Durango near Haviland Lake this week, don’t bother reporting it to emergency officials. It’s only an illusion.

U.S. Forest Service spokesman Devin Wanner said a small film production crew will be in the area using smoke effects. He said the crew is filming an advertisement for a type of equipment for emergency responders.

Smoke could be visible in the area, Wanner said. He asked the public to not report any fires during the time of filming, which is expected to take place Tuesday and Wednesday.

Wanner said the film crew is not using any flames or dangerous materials, and there should be no risk of starting a wildfire. He said firefighters will be on scene as an added precaution.

The crew is filming on both U.S. Forest Service lands and private property. Wanner said a special-use permit to film on national forest lands was obtained by the film crew.

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