Seth Cagin is best choice for Legislature

I am writing to ask for your vote for Seth Cagin to represent Colorado’s 58th House District.

Since announcing his decision to run for the office, Seth has knocked on over 7,600 doors and put 30,000 miles on his car as he has reached out to voters. He has not focused just on Democrats and Republicans, who usually vote, but also those who have been ignored in campaigns.

What he has learned is that government must work for everyone and that we have more in common than divides us.

Seth has heard in his conversations that we need health insurance we can afford. This is a top priority for him.

He also is being asked, if elected, to lead the protection and sustainable use of our public lands, ensuring that we all will have clean and sufficient water, including for agriculturalists, ranchers, hunters, recreationists and city residents, all of whom have common interests.

In addition to understanding complex issues, Seth is someone who can work productively with others, listening as he has for the last year and looking for common ground.

When reviewing incumbent Marc Catlin’s record, one will find that he has failed to lead on any of these big issues.

The 58th House District must have the leadership of someone willing and capable to tirelessly take-on the big issues for the future prosperity of our hard working people.

Please mark your ballot for Seth Cagin.

Virginia Egger
